Dr. Knitzer received his medical doctorate from the University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences

He then did internship and residency training in Internal Medicine at the University of Massachusetts Medical Center.

This was followed by subspecialty fellowship training in Rheumatology at the University of Maryland Medical Center. During this training, he co-authored clinical research on the relationship of Acne and Arthritis and collaborated in basic science research on Lupus. He is an Emeritus Fellow in the American College of Rheumatology.

For over 23 years, until April of 2015, Dr. Knitzer maintained a private Rheumatology practice in Olney, Maryland. Over those years he was an active staff member at MedStar Montgomery Medical Center where he served as chair of both the Department of Medicine and the Division of Rheumatology. During that time he also served on the Medicine Patient Care, Medical Staff Executive and Peer Review and Quality Insurance Committees.

Over his years of clinical practice in Rheumatology, Dr. Knitzer developed a keen awareness of both the limitations of and potential side effects related to traditional medicine. Safety was of high priority. His philosophy of practice was to be able to offer MORE in his healing efforts. This philosophy coupled with his inquisitive nature and vision for better health led him to explore other aspects of healing, including Acupuncture and its focus on removing blocked energy channels in the body (he received training through the UCLA School of Medicine and was licensed to practice Acupuncture in the state of Maryland) and Magnetics and its effects on cell depolarization and re-polarization. With each new investigation he found more and more fascination with, and understanding of, the body’s incredible ability to heal itself. Most recently his interest has focused on the emerging science of Redox Biochemistry which is fundamental to cellular function, cellular efficiency and cellular signaling.