Five Emerging Technologies in Science That Will Shape our Lives in the Coming Years

06/13/2016 02:45 pm ET | Updated Jun 13, 2016

Most of us don’t think we are living in a futuristic utopia. But if you look around at many of the exciting advancements in technology, you will see that life is starting to look more and more like science fiction every day.

Cool new technologies are emerging constantly in the science world. While most don’t have their own department at any major university (yet), they are making big waves in the scientific and technological communities. Many are already being applied for practical purposes (think Google’s self-driving car) and some are beginning to look suspiciously like we’ve created artificial intelligence.

Believe me, the future is already here, and technology is only going to get more futuristic.

Here is one of five of the craziest, game-changing technologies that are starting to take off in 2016. Pay attention; some of these will shape our lives in the coming years.


Redox Signaling Technology

Redox signaling molecules have been around for eons—but it isn’t until recently that we’ve learned about their central importance in our health on a cellular level. New technology is emerging that inserts healthy redox signaling molecules into your body, helping to repair and replenish your aging cells. Since we are made up entirely of cells, every organ in the body can potentially benefit from this new technology.

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